Well... who wouldn't say he's adorable...
ehmmm... well... ok! ok! so, not everybody would adore a lovely dog as mine; but let me tell you something...He's the cutest thing ever (I would know, I feel like his mother, and aren't all mothers in love with their little offsprings?)
His name is Beanie but I call him... cochito ...n_n
In my family, we've always had a chihuahua dog, and even though they constantly get sick, they hurt their back, their skin in sensitive and they bark a lot, they're really sweet, they love you and adore you and you become a center part of their puzzle, their universe.
Beanie came to my family after I lost a very lovely dog named Toby... I got him when I was like 13 years old and he lived with us for a really long time, at that time, when not everything seemed great, he was the only one (or so I felt) who would always be there with me, whenever I was sad, or happy or excited, he would always wag his tail and seemed to smile.
He passed away around 6 years later and there was a huge hole in my heart, I felt I couldn't smile, I felt cold at nights, I was... really sad.
So I decided I needed to have a dog I could give all that love to... and I found Beanie... he was (and still is) adorable!! and he would look at me with those huuuuuge eyes and seemed to smile... just as Toby did.
Lesson learned is:
Truth is... no matter if it's a dog, a cat, a turtle or any pet (or plant) you may have that makes you happy in any way...deserves a space in your heart.