Flowers I had never seen before and are very beautiful.
I think my dad brought them from somewhere and planted them in my garden and now we get to see how beautiful they are without ever moving a finger to help them be there... I guess that when I think about that I wonder if I should try gardening one of these days.
My boss told me the other day that along with her husband they had planted some flowers in their garden and had come to the conclusion that that was not their thing, which is understandable, but my dad... my dad is something else.
We have this cute budgerigar at home and my father has taught him to sing some things... I think they don't normally do that, but he does.
My dad talks to him on a daily basis and there are some tunes that he can repeat, it's hilarious to listen to him trying to play "la cucaracha" next to my dad, My dad always takes him out to the garden under a chayote plant we have there and talks to him and he... seems to talk back.
The first flower we saw is called Epiphyllum oxypetalum... not to worry... it also has a normal name, it's called The queen of the night and it looks something like this:

I had no idea about this plant so I actually didn't get a chance to take a good picture of it in my actual yard. I just took a couple of pictures in the morning, when it was closing (still kicking myself) but I took a short and not that great video....
The second flower we have... I don't really know its name, but it looks like a red queen of the night, can that be?
At the beginning I thought it was a Disocactus x jenkinsonii but I learned that that one is more of a cactus and this one si different and found out that it is called Disocactus ackermannii (no normal name for these) but the point is that it's also very beautiful and this time I decided to take a picture even if it was very dark and then realized that in the morning it was still beautiful but I liked the picture anyway.
The first one was not that good, it was very dark.

At the beginning I thought it was a Disocactus x jenkinsonii but I learned that that one is more of a cactus and this one si different and found out that it is called Disocactus ackermannii (no normal name for these) but the point is that it's also very beautiful and this time I decided to take a picture even if it was very dark and then realized that in the morning it was still beautiful but I liked the picture anyway.
The first one was not that good, it was very dark.
I sometimes think that there are many beautiful hidden things in my life, my dad may be one of them (complex story), just like these flowers and many other things.
Lesson Learned:
All of us have beautiful hidden things in our lives, it's always nice to discover them.
Lesson Learned:
All of us have beautiful hidden things in our lives, it's always nice to discover them.