My brother used to like them a lot and in our teenage years we used to listen to their music, sing along and my brother made the funniest faces when singing their songs, it's impossible not to laugh really.
One of our favorite songs was LAZY DAISY. We kind of knew it by heart and we laughed so much at what happened or what we thought happened, because back then we had no Internet and had no idea what some sounds were for or what was happening, we just knew one day we'd be able to watch them. I remember the first time we watched a Les Luthiers' video, it was at a place we liked to go to called Trovajazz, we loved it so much! and Les Luthiers and Trovajazz just became part of who we were.
One day, such as any other, my brother was walking back home and this dog started walking next to him, it looked like a nice dog so my brother just let it walk next to him.
When he got home the dog stood outside looking at him as if it were talking to him. So my brother called me and then I saw this beautiful dog whose tail had been almost removed with surgery or something, but the little tail it had, was moving from one side to the other with excitement, so we let her in. My mom wasn't too pleased at the beginning but who could say no to that sweet face. We gave her water and food and I told my mom I knew where she lived, (or at least that's what I thought).
The next day we took her to where I thought she lived, and suprise! it wasn't her house...
We decided to keep her until we could find a suitable house for her, which never came, not because we couldn't find it but because we couldn't let her go, we love her so much.
We named her Daisy... it was the perfect name for her.
Years passed and she's been in my house for around 9 or 10 years, she's extremely sweet and smart, she's a great dog.

Today we found out that she has to go under surgery to remove some tumors she has... as I watched her today, a little confused about what was going on since nothing like this had ever happened to her I kept remembering my brother and I started thinking how we try to hang on to every singe thing that reminds us of that person who's no longer with us, I kept thinking how I refuse to let her go because it represents so many things to me...
I can't know for sure if what I'm doing is right (hanging on like this...) but it feels right and I'll do everything that's in my power to make her feel ok and happy.

Lesson learned:
Sometimes we hang on to memories to survive, it is only surviving how we can start to live again.
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