Something happened exactly a week ago...
We got a call at work, it was an old friend and former co-worker;
she told us that there was this dog that had been run over in a place that is coincidentally near my house.
In these type of situations... we can never say no...
So, I went looking for it...
I couldn't contact the girl who had called, she gave me the wrong number by mistake.
It was 6:30 pm already... I asked the guards who let me in without paying the parking fee if they had seen a dog, and their reaction was something along the lines of "oh..! the dog's been here for like 2 or 3 days... no, we haven't seen it today"
So I went inside and started walking around the parking lot... I asked around 10 people if they had seen a dog and everyone said no...
I kept walking and found another guard; when I asked him and he said that he had seen it too, and that it seemed really sad and hurt.
I kept looking... I couldn't just leave... I had told my friends that I would meet them later because I really felt I had to do this...
I kept walking and it had started to rain...I don't even remember how... but I saw it...!!
When I came close, she started waging her tail and she had this sweet look in her face... I talked to her and noticed nobody was around... I could have cried right there but I just talked to her... told her everything was going to be fine hoping she would understand.

A girl came to me... and asked me if I came from an organization, I told her I wasn't from an organization but I was going to take her...
The girl and a friend of hers helped me put the dog in the car and I never heard of her again, I guess that was her good deed of the day, let someone know about a problem she couldn't handle and let someone else do the job (I'm still very glad she did).
There was a lot of traffic that day and I'm not really good at getting to places faster, so I took around an hour to get there...
A guy from the place helped me take her out and we waited... I explained that she was a stray dog, but that we would find a home for her. She was really nervous, they put a muzzle in her snout but she wouldn't have done anything anyway... she
was in pain...

The next day, I went to see how she was doing... and he explained that, even though he had given her pain killers, she'd need surgery. He showed me the X-rays and it looked bad... they had already shaved her leg to prepare her for the surgery.
She was very brave, she wagged her tail all the time and seemed grateful.

She had surgery the next day, the vet just told me she hadn't been eating because she was in pain, but that she would eat when she felt better. He also talked to me about how much money we would have to pay... and it was a lot..! well, at least a lot more than what we had expected.
One of the founders of AWARE said that they would help us by talking to the vet and getting a discount. I had taken the dog to my regular vet, but he has helped other dogs and actually he had a couple of dogs that he had helped and that nobody was willing to adopt.
We raised money at work, with our students and teachers and we're almost there...!
We just need to find her a good home.
When I saw her after the surgery, I saw a different face, she looked happier, and she kept the positive attitude.

I had been considering doing volunteer work for AWARE and finally today, I made up my mind... Truth is, I feel it inside, it's something I need to do, I'm positive a big change will occur. Things can change, therefore they have.

Lesson learned:
Everybody may have different interests, but that doesn't mean you have to share them just because that's what everybody does.
I may have lived with pets around and that makes me be who I am today, but I honestly don't want to wonder how I would be if I didn't love animals like I do.
I've learned, that respect is something you show all the time, to animals, to people in need, to the people you love and your family and friends... it's realizing that the world is bigger than your own world... that we're not alone... and that changes can be made and not giving up.
Everybody may have different interests, but that doesn't mean you have to share them just because that's what everybody does.
I may have lived with pets around and that makes me be who I am today, but I honestly don't want to wonder how I would be if I didn't love animals like I do.
I've learned, that respect is something you show all the time, to animals, to people in need, to the people you love and your family and friends... it's realizing that the world is bigger than your own world... that we're not alone... and that changes can be made and not giving up.
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