I think there was a time in my life in which I told everyone I didn't like them... but truth is, that was just because I was too curious to wait and I hoped that by saying it I would get a chance to see, discover or find out faster.
I think that I've had many surprises, but I don't remember most of them... but I love them.
Today I started thinking something I had forgotten, and that is that, we always have expectations... I used to say to myself not to expect anything from anybody all the time, because I tend to have expectations... I think we all do, in a way.
It's like knowing that if you have a car crash, you can always call your parents and they'll be there, when you're having problems with your phone and knowing that your brother will fix it because he was born with some sort of chip inside his head that makes him understand all those things.
The only problem about that is that you start expecting things from other people... or about really big things... and you shouldn't.
First of all, it's a really selfish thing to expect things from the rest, it's really unfair, because, how do you know the other person even cares about what you care about, loves the things you love or would like the things you'd like.
Throughout my life, I experienced disappointments all the time. I got to the point in which I posted something on my bedroom wall that says: "disappointment is easy, you get over disappointment... but your dreams? How can you live without knowing what's gonna happen"
Maybe one thing has nothing to do with the other, and I think there's more to the phrase, but I always kept the whole getting over disappointment as an easy thing.
I started wondering about what others expected of me... I noticed that most of my life I lived to other people's expectations and not my own.
You should be a hard working person, you should study and be responsible, you should...should...should... and truth is, I've always followed my family's expectations to a certain point, and I don't regret it, I like to see them happy and proud of me...
Even though many parts inside of me have died as time goes by, I continue to be me... but stronger; I've learned so much about everything and I'm ready to learn more... my point is, we should never forget who we are.

When people say life is too short, we should really believe it, live by it... there's no way today is coming back tomorrow to give you a chance do things all over again... All you have is today, that's it... if you wake up tomorrow, then, it's a miracle you should treasure... there are no second chances, so , living up to other people's expectations and not your own, forgetting who you are just to please people is a big mistake.
We were born to be happy, why else would we be here? It would make no sense...
I read a nice quote that says: "The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations."
Don't expect the call, the phrase, the message, the letter, the words, the hug, the kiss... that way, It'll be worth it...
Lesson learned:
Never forget who you are because others make versions of you according to what they want from you or what they need you to be for them.
Make every single thing unexpected, make it your own, make it be worth it.
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